School Offices: Junior: 0161 740 4696Infants: 0161 205 7131

Y6C Disability Awareness Day with Manchester City Trainers

Date: 18th Feb 2018 @ 9:27pm

Friday 9th February

Manchester City Trainer, Becky, spent the afternoon with Y6C helping us to understand different physical disabilities.  We had a fascinating discussion about the achievements of inspirational sportsmen and women who do not let their disability prevent them from achieving remarkable goals.

Later in the session, we experienced playing blind football with a blindfold and a sensory ball.  This helped us to empathise with visually impaired sportsmen and women who are incredibly brave and determined to succeed.  It also showed us how important teamwork is, not only playing blind football, but through everything we do to help and support each other every day.

Welcome to Mount Carmel RC Primary; a place where we proclaim Christ’s message of hope and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.

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Deirdre Watson - SENDCo

Junior Dept: 0161 740 4696

Infant Dept: 0161 205 7131

Junior Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Wilson Road, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG

Tel: Cheryl Holland: 0161 740 4696

Infant Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Hunt Street, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BL

Tel: Cheryl Clancy: 0161 205 7131