School Offices: Junior: 0161 740 4696Infants: 0161 205 7131

Walking with Jesus

Lesson: Religious education

Class: Year 6C Year: 2021 - 2022

Y6CC were inspired by reading Luke 24:13-32 about two disciples walking to Emmaus, meeting Jesus, and talking with Him about His passion and resurection. They wrote beautiful poems about Jesus being with us each and every day. Some of these poems have formed part of a display in the hall celebrating the beginning of our journey as part of the Emmaus Catholic Education Trust.



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Welcome to Mount Carmel RC Primary; a place where we proclaim Christ’s message of hope and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.

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Junior Dept: 0161 740 4696

Infant Dept: 0161 205 7131

Junior Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Wilson Road, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG

Tel: Cheryl Holland: 0161 740 4696

Infant Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Hunt Street, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BL

Tel: Cheryl Clancy: 0161 205 7131