School Offices: Junior: 0161 740 4696Infants: 0161 205 7131

Y5C Curiosity - The Story of a Mars Rover

Lesson: English

Class: Year 5W Year: 2020 - 2021

To celebrate NASA's Perseverance Rover Mission to Mars (February 2021), Y5C home and school learners were inspired to design new Mars Rovers. We also read, "Curiosity - The Story of a Mars Rover" by Markus Motum to help us understand the process of designing, testing and launching the "Curiosity" Mars Rover. These innovative designs were then used to write our own fact files, just like NASA Press REleases.

Files to Download

Welcome to Mount Carmel RC Primary; a place where we proclaim Christ’s message of hope and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.

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Junior Dept: 0161 740 4696

Infant Dept: 0161 205 7131

Junior Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Wilson Road, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG

Tel: Cheryl Holland: 0161 740 4696

Infant Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Hunt Street, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BL

Tel: Cheryl Clancy: 0161 205 7131