School Offices: Junior: 0161 740 4696Infants: 0161 205 7131

Analysing war poetry

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 3:36pm

Analysing war poetry

To coincide with the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1, 5W have been looking at some of the poetry that was written during this horrific time in history. We have imagined ourselves as soldiers storming the beaches and created a “senses bank” detailing what we might have felt, seen, tasted, heard and smelled. Today (06/11/18) we examined a variety of war poems from different eras and authors and identified the adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs in the poetry. Using IPads, we recorded these words in groups to create a word cloud, where words used most frequently are written largest with words used less often appear smaller. We will be using both these resources to assist us in creating our own poetry over the coming days and weeks.

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Junior Dept: 0161 740 4696

Infant Dept: 0161 205 7131

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Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Wilson Road, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG

Tel: Cheryl Holland: 0161 740 4696

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Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Hunt Street, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BL

Tel: Cheryl Clancy: 0161 205 7131