Monday 11th January Home Learning
Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 8:38am
Good morning Reception,
Here are your home learning activities for today:
1. Literacy - write a sentence about what kind of dinosaur is in the egg. Have a look at the pictures on the website or on memos for some ideas!
2. P.E. Have a look at the links below to find some suitable P.E. activities to do at home. We would love to see pictures and videos of your super moves on Tapestry!
Our zoom calls today will be:
11:30am: Phase 2 Phonics with Mrs Lyon
11:45am: Phase 3 Phonics with Miss Dennis
3pm: Maths
Check Tapestry for the zoom details. They are the same as last week.
Have fun and stay safe
Miss Dennis and Mrs Lyon