Year 5W: News items
Maths in PE, by Mrs Smith
Visit to church, by Mrs Smith
A visit to church, by Mr Williams
Romeo and Juliet Theatre Performance, by Mrs Smith
The Day the Chairs Quit, by Mrs Smith
Amazing Charity Fundraiser, by Mrs Smith
Capulets v Montagues, by Mrs Smith
Getting Back To Our Baseline, by Mrs Smith
Mission, by Mrs Smith
Reading with City, by Mrs Smith
Silence in Court, by Mrs Smith
Internet Safety, by Mrs Smith
Press conference, by Mrs Smith
Scavenger Hunt, by Mrs Smith
Balances, by Mrs Smith
Space Scientist, by Mr Williams
Does your boat float?, by Mrs Smith
Elf interviews , by Mrs Smith
We are coders , by Mrs Smith
3D SHAPES, by Mrs Smith
Parachutes, by Mrs Smith
Jimmu, by Mrs Smith
A visit to the library, by Mrs Smith
Fascinating Forces, by Mrs Smith
Managing Emotions, by Mrs Smith