Year 6C: Display work
Y6CC School Councillors 2021 2022, by Miss Curran
Y6 House Captains 2021 2022, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Investigate how Microorganisms Reproduce, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Celebrate Our Lady's Birthday, by Miss Curran
World Book Day & Easter Bonnets, by Mr Ellis
Alice in Wonderland, by Mr Ellis
Year 6M are wishing all of our families and friends a very happy and peaceful Christmas!, by Mr Ellis
Thank you Secret Santa...we love our surprises., by Mr Ellis
Manchester European Christmas Market, by Mr Ellis
Praising God Our Father with other Primary Schools at Christ the King led by John Burland., by Mr Ellis
Living Things and their Habitats, by Mr Ellis
Sparta vs Athens , by Mr Ellis
Greek Poetry, Names, Plates and Persuasive Arguments, by Mr Ellis