Our blogs
Space Scientist Entry Point, by Miss Ratcliffe
Being kind to yourself..., by Mrs McArdle
Year 6 Rockstar Maths, by Mrs McArdle
Firework Activities, by Miss Dennis
Remembrance Angels, by Mrs Smith
Naughty Bus on the News, by Miss Dennis
Naughty Bus Launch, by Miss Dennis
Autumn 2 curriculum overview, by Miss Hegarty
Rock Star Maths Day, by Miss Hegarty
Now Press Play, by Miss Hegarty
Ancient Egyptians Workshop, by Miss Hegarty
Rockstar Maths Launch Day, by Miss Ratcliffe
Story time with Miss Davies - 22/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Half Term Challenge 🦊🦔🍁🍂, by Mrs Flanagan
Incy Wincy Spider Puppet show by Mrs Sloan 🕷, by Mrs Flanagan
Story time with Miss Davies - 21/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Y5C Skills and Talents Workshop with Kate, by Miss Curran
Y5C “Now Press Play” drama about Natural Disasters, by Miss Curran
Silly song time with Mrs Yasin- 22/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Story Time with Miss Davies - 20/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Silly Song time with Mrs Yasin - 21/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Story time with Miss Davies - 19/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Silly song time with Mrs Yasin - 20/10/20, by Mrs Flanagan
Story time with Mrs Borg-Fenech, by Mrs Flanagan