Our blogs
Parent Workshop- Mental Health Awareness, by Mrs Seaborn
Junior Pantomime, by Mr Dalton
Follow that Star, by Mrs Seaborn
Cyber Bullying, by Mr Dalton
Road Safety Week 2023, by Mr Dalton
Making Chapattis, by Mr Stewart
Anti-Bullying Week 2023, by Mr Dalton
R.U.D.E Workshop, by Mrs Seaborn
Black History Month, by Mr Dalton
School Council Meeting - 8/11/23, by Mr Dalton
Autumn Walk, by Mrs Green
Manchester Carnival, by Mrs Seaborn
Primary Science Quality Mark, by Mrs Seaborn
Y4 Sound Workshop, by Mrs Seaborn
Black History Month, by Mr Dalton
Harvest Festival, by Mrs Seaborn
Y6CC Geography Field trip - Blackley, by Miss Curran
Hannah Gold Book Launch, by Miss Curran
3-D shapes, by Mrs Dennis
St. Matthew's R.C.H.S. Visit, by Miss Curran
Trip to Manchester, by Mrs Dennis
Our Lady, by Mrs Seaborn
Wizard of Oz, by Mrs Seaborn
Art Exhibition, by Mrs Seaborn
Resilience Tree, by Mrs Brocklehurst