Year 1DL: Display work
Andy Goldworthy, by Mrs Seaborn
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Dennis
Y1 Art Summer Term 1, by Mrs Seaborn
Spring 1- What have we learnt?, by Mrs Dale
My Favourite Hat, by Mrs Dale
Autumn 1 Music, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Year 1 Christmas party, by Mrs Liversage
Making birdhouses, by Mrs Liversage
Mini beasts hunt, by Mrs Liversage
Outdoor Autumn sculptures, by Mrs Liversage
Making temporary sculptures, by Mrs Liversage
Autumn 1 Performance, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Our taste experiment, by Mrs Liversage
Making sandwiches, by Mrs Liversage
After School Dance Club- Performance, by Mrs Dale
Breakfast with Santa, by Mrs Liversage
Andy Goldsworthy - Temporary sculptures, by Mrs Liversage
Micro-habitats, by Mrs Liversage
Making Birdhouses, by Mrs Liversage
Painting a tree for the seasons, by Mrs Liversage
Bubble-bees, by Mrs Bills
Superhuman , by Mrs Bills
World Book Day , by Mrs Bills
E-Safety, by Mrs Bills
Our Lenten Promises , by Mrs Bills