Year 4S: Display work
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Dennis
River Trip- Bolton Abbey, by Mrs Seaborn
Summer 1 Music Performance, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Christmas Music, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Chocolate Molinillo, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Be Kind Online, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Santa, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Rhythm Pattern, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Autumn 1 Performance, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Lego City Workshop, by Mrs Smith
Body percussion, by Mrs Smith
Now Press Play, by Mrs Smith
Working as a team, by Mrs Smith
Negative Numbers, by Mrs Smith
Ancient Egyptian Workshop, by Mrs Smith
Sacrament of Reconciliation, by Mrs Smith
Managing Our Emotions, by Mrs Smith
Egyptian homework 4S, by Miss Scott