Year 1B: Display work
Andy Goldworthy, by Mrs Seaborn
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Dennis
Y1 Art Summer Term 1, by Mrs Seaborn
D&T Making Sandwiches, by Mrs Seaborn
Spring 1- What have we learnt?, by Mrs Dale
Autumn 1 Music, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Autumn 1 Performance, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Describe how to plant a seed, by Mrs Dale
Jack and the Beanstalk, by Mrs Dale
Making a Sandwich, by Mrs Dale
Evil Pea in School, by Mrs Dale
Investigating the usefulness of different materials, by Mrs Dale
Inspired by Henri Matisse, by Mrs Dale
Materials, by Mrs Dale
Music, by Mrs Dale
Designing and making hats, by Mrs Dale
Comparing Victorian Toys with Modern Toys, by Mrs Dale
Father Christmas & Christmas Dinner, by Mrs Dale
The Story of the Shepherds., by Mrs Dale
After School Dance Club- Performance, by Mrs Dale
Andy Goldsworthy- Sculptures, by Mrs Dale
Gymnastics, by Mrs Dale
Maths Week, by Mrs Dale
Remembrance, by Mrs Dale
Pirate Day - Number Bonds, by Mrs Dale