Our blogs
Time Travellers, by Mrs Liversage
Year 6 Visit Manchester Art Gallery and Central Library, by Miss Curran
Year 6 NSPCC Keep Safe Assembly, by Miss Curran
Y6C Celebrate Father Brady’s Final School Mass, by Miss Curran
Y6C Meditate on the Joyful Mysteries, by Miss Curran
Year 6 Meet the Teachers and Children from St. Matthew’s, by Miss Curran
Y6C Team Building Activities with Manchester City, by Miss Curran
Y6C Workshop with Kate reviewing Our Talents, by Miss Curran
Y6C Celebrate the Birthday of Our Lady, by Miss Curran
Bird feeders , by Mrs Bills
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
A visit from a doctor, by Mrs Walley
Dental Playbox visit Reception, by Mrs Walley
Dental Playbox Visit, by Mrs Lyons
Microhabitats , by Mrs Bills
Animal Posters , by Mrs Bills
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
The Bumblebear , by Mrs Bills
Caring for a new baby, by Mrs Flanagan
European Sports Day, by Mrs Walley
Giraffes Can’t Dance, by Mrs Bills
The Police visit Mount Carmel, by Mrs Walley
The three Little Pigs are missing., by Mrs Walley
3S NEW TOPIC - How Humans Work, by Mr Stewart
Y6C School Council Elections, by Miss Curran