Our blogs
All about trains, by Mrs Walley
Stone Age Debating, by Mr Stewart
Birthdays , by Mrs Flanagan
Baptism , by Mrs Flanagan
Christ the King , by Mrs Flanagan
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
3S Bronze Readers, by Mr Stewart
Baking bread, by Mrs Grayson
Colour mixing, by Mrs Grayson
Frankie Fox’s new coat, by Mrs Flanagan
Investigating ice , by Mrs Flanagan
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
Y6C Explore the New Library, by Miss Curran
Rememberance Day, by Miss Curran
The naughty bus- Topic launch, by Mrs Walley
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
Colour all around Us! , by Mrs Flanagan
Moving People - Homework Project, by Miss Wilson
Brainwave Topic Learning, by Miss Wilson
Year 6M’s Unconditional Love Debate, by Mrs McArdle
Remembering the Holy Souls in November, by Miss Curran
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
END OF TOPIC - How Humans Work, by Mr Stewart
Chocolate apples, by Mrs Liversage