Our blogs
Story time with Mrs Flanagan, by Mrs Walley
Story time with Mrs Grayson, by Mrs Walley
Dough disco, by Mrs Walley
Story time with Mrs Lyon, by Mrs Walley
How to make play dough, by Mrs Walley
Story time with Mrs Lyon, by Mrs Lyons
Year 6 Mathematics, English and PE Links on the Internet, by Miss Curran
Year 6 Mathematics, English and PE Links on the Internet, by Miss Curran
Y6C Meditation on the Stations of the Cross, by Miss Curran
Y6C Recommended Reads For Spring and Summer, by Miss Curran
St Patrick’s Day, by Mrs Walley
We’re going on a dinosaur hunt. 🦕 , by Mrs Walley
World Book Day March 5th, by Miss Johnson
Tyrannosaurus Drip, by Mrs Walley
3S NEW TOPICS!, by Mr Stewart
Y6C Celebrate World Book Day , by Miss Curran
Year 3 Museum of Science and Industry Trip, by Mr Stewart
World Book Day, by Mrs Walley
Reading Breakfast, by Mrs Walley
The Odd Egg, by Mrs Walley
Shrove Tuesday , by Mrs Bills
Shove Tuesday, by Mrs Walley
Y6C Celebrate Shrove Tuesday , by Miss Curran
Y6C Planned their own Collective Worship, by Miss Curran
Y6C School Candle Designs, by Miss Curran