Our blogs
Y6C Scripture Artwork, by Miss Curran
Y6Valley’s Adventures at Robinwood, by Miss Curran
Y6C Skipping Challenge, by Miss Curran
Recognising the Genre of Books in the Bible, by Miss Curran
Celebrations-Weddings, by Mrs Walley
Why elephant has a trunk, by Mrs Walley
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Walley
Celebrations collective worship, by Mrs Walley
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers, by Miss Johnson
NEW TOPIC - Island Life, by Mr Stewart
Y6C Christmas Party Day, by Miss Curran
Advent Collective Worship, by Miss Curran
Y6C World War One Assembly, by Miss Curran
Christmas Party Day, by Mrs Walley
The KS1 Nativity, by Mrs Seaborn
Christmas Dinner , by Mrs Bills
Letters from Santa! , by Mrs Bills
Space Scientists - Spaceport Trip, by Miss Wilson
Decorating our puppets, by Mrs Liversage
This weeks certificate winners!, by Mrs Grayson
Robot dancing , by Mrs Liversage
Space Scientists - Human Solar System, by Miss Wilson
Stone Age Cave Paintings, by Mr Stewart
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas., by Mrs Walley