Year 6C: Display work
Making Bread, by Mrs Seaborn
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Dennis
Summer 1 Music, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Art Gustav Klimt, by Mrs Seaborn
William Morris Art, by Miss Curran
Christmas Music, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Y6CC Poems about Identity, by Miss Curran
Black History Month - Katherine Johnson, by Miss Curran
Making Bread, by Miss Curran
Tasting Bread, by Miss Curran
Investigating How Microorganisms Reproduce, by Miss Curran
Internet Rules, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Viking Rock, by Mrs Brocklehurst
William Morris, by Miss Curran
Love Shone Down, by Mrs Brocklehurst
Autumn 1 Performance, by Mrs Brocklehurst
William Morris, by Miss Curran
World War One Christmas Truce, by Miss Curran
World War One Recruitment Posters, by Miss Curran
Walking with Jesus, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Ancient Roman Invasion - Now Press Play, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Greek Dancing, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Choose Kind Everyday, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Rock Star Maths Day 2021, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Orienteering, by Miss Curran