Our blogs
Anti-Bullying week, by Mrs Lyon
Anti bullying week., by Mrs Walley
Autumn- Leaf Man, by Mrs Dale
Remembrance Day, by Mrs Dale
Comparing, counting and ordering numbers to 10, by Mrs Dale
Throwing Skills, by Mrs Dale
Measuring, by Mrs Dale
Diwali lanterns, by Mrs Dale
Remembrance Day, by Mrs Seaborn
Colour All Around Me!, by Mrs Grayson
Sound Workshop, by Mrs Lyon
Y6 Tasting and Making Bread, by Miss Curran
Reading Breakfast, by Mrs Seaborn
Autumn Term 1 - Art, by Mr Stewart
St. Francis Day, by Mrs Grayson
Our first week in Nursery, by Mrs Grayson
Be your own person - Session 1 with Kate, by Miss Ratcliffe
English Autumn 2 Week 1, by Miss Ratcliffe
Art & Design Autumn 1, by Miss Ratcliffe
Autumn 1- Computing, by Mrs McArdle
Autumn 1-PE, by Mrs McArdle
Autumn 1- Science, by Mrs McArdle
Reception songs -Autumn 1, by Mrs Walley
Y6CC Investigated Microorganisms - Science Autumn One, by Miss Curran
Y6CC Music Autumn One - Pitch and Pulse, by Miss Curran